Become a Member

Membership Benefits

As a member of AAUW, you will receive the quarterly national publication of AAUW Outlook and the state Ohio Orbit magazines. For those with email, there will be periodic messages about timely issues and opportunities for education and action. Each AAUW member is assigned an ID number, which can be found on the label of your Outlook. With this number, you can access many features of the national and state websites. Make a point of seeing all that is going on in the organization by visiting the website often.

Benefits of Belonging to AAUW

  • a voice in government
  • a powerful network
  • timely & relevant information about hot topics
  • national and regional activities
  • convention news
  • opportunities for activism
  • professional and educational support
  • access to fellowships, grants, and awards updates on groundbreaking research
  • financial savings on health-life-medical-auto insurance, books & magazine subscriptions.

Association Member ($82)

Associate Members: Individuals eligible to be admitted to AAUW membership are those holding an Associate or equivalent, Baccalaureate or higher degree from a quilified educational institution, a degree from a foriegn institution recognized by the International Federation of University Women (IFUW), or a foreign degree acceptable as a basis for admission by graduate schools at qualified universities of the U.S.A. Membership shall be granted upon payment of dues (National + State + Branch) on or before June 30th, or as a new member anytime throughout the year. These are the sole requirements of eligibility and admissibility for memberships.

Student Affiliates ($25 year) 

An undergraduate student enrolled in a qualified educational institution shall be eligible for student affiliation. Student affiliates shall be entitled to attend Branch, State, and Association meetings and receive the Branch newsletter and the Association Membership publication. *Student affiliates may not vote or hold office*

Recent Graduate ($20)

Members who join within two years of their graduation may join for one year by paying only local branch dues.

The AAUW- Chillicothe Branch offers assistance with membership dues based on financial need. If you would like to request a gift of membership, please contact the Membership Chair, Karen Reider,
Gifts will be awarded until all have been accepted for the year.

Interested Women should click on the Contact Us button and send us your info!